Resilience is being able to prosper through adversity. Designing resiliently will not only decrease damage in the occurrence of an extreme event, but also allow for a reduction in downtime. Our staff are ready to support homeowners, developers, businesses, and local governments in designing for today and tomorrow.
Our team has broad practical experience in the areas of coastal zone and floodplain management, and we leverage our unique expertise to advise and provide cost-effective solutions regarding policy, development, and construction in these highly regulated zones. Our technical expertise matched with our policy and political experience allows us to navigate the complex floodplain management regulations and arrive at the most practical solutions. Our team considers holistic resilience across a broad-range of threats, but specialized in flooding and sea level rise given our focus on coastal communities.
For both new and existing development, our staff can provide cost effective measures to increase the resilience and reduce potential losses during an extreme event. Our Sea Level Rise Ready® Program is designed to be an individualized adaptation needs assessment and our staff can assist in finding the right adaptation measures for you and your property. Learn more.
We created the Sea Level Rise Ready® Program to answer how to address more frequent flooding and sea level rise, be a trusted resource, and partner with you on your journey to prepare for what’s to come. We provide design standards for new development utilizing our experience thinking about sea level rise on a daily basis. For existing developments, we work with property managers and owners to develop a long-term resilience plan pay special attention to current use and future needs. Learn more.